Send follow NWS_NTWC to 40404 for TSUNAMI WARNINGS by SMS
From The National Tsunami Warning Center (NTWC)
Anyone can receive a free text message or email alerts from the (Seaside Police Department) through an online alert messaging service called Nixle. Messages are targeted to your specific
geographic area based on zip code.
The Seaside Police Department issues four classifications of messages:
Alerts: Natural Disasters, missing person reports, gas leaks, and fires.
Advisories: Non-emergencies such as power outages.
Community: Local information for events such as Hood to Coast, Beach VolleyballTournamentand National Night Out.
Traffic: Heavy traffic and road conditions, flooding, lane closures, traffic accidents.
Sign up for Nixle for free by entering your zip code and preferred alert method on Nixle’s website
OR Text 97138 To 88777 To OPT-IN

A LOCAL TSUNAMI could come onshore within 15 to 20 minutes after the earthquake - before there is time for the official warning from a national warning system.
Ground-shaking from the earthquake may
be the only warning you have. Evacuate quickly!
A DISTANT TSUNAMI may take hours to come ashore and the tsunami will generally be smaller than that from a local earthquake.
There will typically be time for an official warning and evacuation to safety
In Event of an Earthquake Protect yourself
until the earthquake is over then move quickly inland to High Ground and away from low-lying coastal areas Go on foot if possible Do not wait for an official evacuation warning Do not pack or delay in evacuating Do not return to shore Wait for an “all clear” from local officials before returning to low lying areas Listen to local radio for updates
In Event of a Tsunami Warning
Do not hesitate to evacuate. Follow Tsunami Evacuation Route signs to safe zones (High Ground) Police Officers and Firefighters will be at main intersections to assist the public and to control traffic.
Only call 9-1-1 in case of a true emergency
Our volunteers and City Staff will be busy handling evacuation procedures.
Siren Warnings
The sirens work in conjunction with a reverse 9-1-1 system, alerting residents in low-lying areas that they need to head for higher ground. The sirens will go off every hour ( with Instructions in English and Spanish) until the final hour; at that point, they will go off approx: every 15 minutes. With a final high-low (an ambulance siren-like tone)
as (heard in the video above)
Siren Testing
The Cities of Gearhart and Seaside commence Monthly Testing of the "Tsunami Warning System" These Tests are conducted on the 1st "First" Wednesday of the month September through May at approx 11 am, The Test will begin with 3 "Three" Beeps followed by a voice message stating "This is a Test. This is a Test Of The Emergency Warning System. This Is Only A Test" (with Instructions in English and Spanish)